Maurice Sendak has written or illustrated more than 80 books, some more famous and well known than others. It is without a doubt that any collection of childrens books is incomplete without a work by Maurice Sendak in it.

The following is a chronology of Sendak’s works. The linked works can be clicked to provide more information.

Written & Illustrated by Maurice Sendak

1956 – Kenny’s Window

1957 – Very Far Away

1959 – The Acrobat

1960 – The Sign on Rosie’s Door

1962 – The Nutshell Library

1963 – Where the Wild Things Are

1968 – Max et les Maximonstres

1970 – In the Night Kitchen

1976 – Some Swell Pup

1977 – Seven Little Monsters

1981 – Outside Over There

1985 – In Grandpa's House

1993 – We Are All in the Dumps with Jack and Guy

Illustrated by Maurice Sendak

1947 – Eidinoff, M.C. Atomics for the Millions

1952 – Krauss, Ruth. A Hole is to Dig

1964 – Jarrell, Randall. Bat-Poet

1967 – Blake, William. Poems from William Blake's Songs of Innocence Children

1976 – Jarrell, Randall. Fly by Night

1976 – Lore, Segal & Jarrell, Randall. The Juniper Tree: And Other Tales from Grimm

1976 – MacDonald, George. The Golden Key

1978 – Grimm, Jacob. King Grisly-Beard

1984 – Hoffman, E. T. A. Nutcracker

1985 – Graves, Robert. The Big Green Book

1984 – Corsaro, Frank. The Love of Three Oranges

1985 – King, Carole. Really Rosie; A New Musical

1985 – Tesnohlidek, Rudolph. The Cunning Little Vixen Farrar

1985 – Joslin, Sesyle. What Do You Do, Dear?

1986 – Stockton, Frank. The Griffin and the Minor Canon

1986 – Stockton, Frank. The Bee-Man of Orn

1986 – Joslin, Sesyle. What Do You Say, Dear?

1988 – Grimm, Wilhelm. Dear Mili; An Old Tale

1990 – Krauss, Ruth. Somebody Else's Nut Tree and Other Tales from Children

1990 – Graves, Robert. The Big Green Book

1991 – Hoffman, E. T. A. Nutcracker

1992 – I Saw Esau

1994 – Ayme, Marcel. The Wonderful Farm

1995 – Yorkins, Arthur. The Miami Giant

1995 – Melville, Herman. Pierre, or The Ambiguities

1996 – Jarrell, Randall. The Animal Family

1996 – Yorkins, Arthur. Frank & Joey Go to Work

1997 – De Regniers, Beatrice Shenk. What Can You Do with a Shoe



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