content4=The Oxbow was an American painting painted by Thomas Cole in 1836. This painting was created in the throes of the industrial revolution where land was being overcome by humanity and vast cities were being built seemingly destroying the beauty of the landscape. Thomas Cole is believed to have painted this landscape to dispute the ever growing city overcoming serenity in nature, he was an advocate for coexisting harmoniously with nature without destroying it. His antipathy to mass industrialization is portrayed as an oncoming storm and overgrowth of forest, on the left, threatening to disrupt the settled land on the right. Civilization can be seen on the right depicted as small wisps of smoke seeping from small houses and plowed patches of land. The overgrowth of nature on the left is pushed up closer to the foreground to accentuate its presence as an unstoppable force while the houses and settled land are tucked in the back as an unmatched opponent to nature. Cole is attesting to his belief that nature is a force to be reckoned with and will always prevail over civilization.
This painting is represented in the flash movie to represent the complete realization of the beauty of art by the main character. In the movie the character is completely surrounded by the contents of the painting, this is shown in the picture on the right.