content3=The Calling of St. Matthew was painted by Michelangelo Merisi called Caravaggio between 1599 and 1600. The picture depicts the biblical story of St. Matthew being called by Jesus to accompany him as one of his disciples. This scene depicts Matthew and other tax collectors huddled around a table in the midst of counting taxes in an office when Jesus comes in out of the street and points Matthew out, implicitly calling him to duty. Caravaggio seemlingly paints two scenes into the painting, the street and the room. He depicts the street as a light emanating from behind jesus' head glinting off his halo simultaneously illuminating the faces of the other collectors present around Matthew. Caravaggio also ties the feeling of the painting together by constructing the actions and facial impressions of the other characters around jesus' pointing arm. The shock and fearful awe of expressed on the character's faces shows that this depiction is portrayed in an instant and also attests to the presence of jesus' as a force affecting all.
A representation of the Calling of St. Matthew is depicted as a scene of the activity going on backstage of the club in the flash movie. The main character and the love interest are shown into a back room where dj's smoking up are pointed out to them by a raised arm. A screenshot of this is on the right.