say "Welcome to Programming Fundamentals"
# Write in my journal Web.popup('MyJournal') do title("Add a journal entry") editline("Title") editbox("Entry") buttons("cancel", "save") end # Read my Journal journal = Table('MyJournal').recent(10) puts journal
We're going to build a Dog that you can interact with. It's a little tricky at first, but it isn't too hard to follow.
class Dog @name @food def initialize(name, food) @name = name @food = food end def feed @food = @food + 1 end def rollover if @food <= 3 puts "I'm hungry. Feed me! :(" return end puts "Rolling, rolling, rolling." @food = @food - 3 end def status puts "I have #{@food} food." end def play while true print "What do you want to do? (feed, rollover, status): " ans = gets case ans.chomp when "feed" then self.feed when "rollover" then self.rollover when "status" then self.status else puts "I didn't get that. Try again?" end end end end # Now, play with the dog. dog ="Fido", 10) # Now what will happen?
# let's make a menu while true choice = ask "What would you like to do? (play, quit)" case choice.chomp when "play" then play # play is a function we wrote, elsewhere when "quit" then break # break gets us out of the loop end end # weird... unless true # opposite of while # does this even run? end # .upto method on numbers 1.upto(6) do |x| say "Holding up #{x} fingers." sleep x end 6.downto(1) do |x| say "Holding up #{x} fingers." sleep x end
Web.popup() do # check this... title "Hello World" para "This is a paragraph!" end
class = ["John", "Jill", "Jack", "Janet"] say class
# Let's make a dog. # This is a "class definition". # It's the blueprint for a Dog. # We'll make a real dog later. class Dog @name @owner @foodlevel # initialize is automatically called when you make a New Dog def initialize @foodlevel = 10 end def feedme @foodlevel = @foodlevel + 1 end def timegoesby @foodlevel = @foodlevel - 1 end def setfoodlevel(aFoodlevel) @foodlevel = aFoodlevel end def setname(aName) @name = aName end def setowner(aOwner) @owner = aOwner end def bark say "bark!" end def sayhi say "I'm a dog. My name is #{@name}. My food level is #{@foodlevel}." end end # Now, let's make a new dog and play with it. dog = dog.setname("Jon") dog.sayhi sleep 4
# Sales Tax Calculator answer = ask "How much are you spending?" subtotal = answer.to_f # .to_f turns it into a number we can use! rate = 0.075 tax = subtotal * rate say "You'll pay #{subtotal} in sales tax, with a total of $#{subtotal+tax}."
rate = case state when "NY" then 0.075 when "CT" then 0.060 end
Let's review what we learned yesterday. Strings. Numbers.
Let's pick up where we left off with conditionals.
sleep 5 # pauses for five seconds
Computer Science is the design and study of solving problems by creating procedures machines can perform. We'll be studying this field with a focus on exploring concepts and solving problems.
# My first program. say "I'd like to get to know you." name = ask "What is your name?" say "Well, " + name + ", it's a pleasure to meet you."
4 + 2 # 6 "4" + "2" # "42" 4 + "2" # error "Hello World".reverse # "dlroW olleH" "Hello World".length # 11 # Other "string" methods: .upcase, .downcase, .capitalize
2.upto(5) do |x| say x sleep 1 end # Everything is a class. Stings have methods, and numbers have methods! # Try downcase on a number, or upto on a string. # Let's write a word count program. How do we count words? # What else can we do with this? Vowell counting?